H.B. 1842 (84th Legislature) allowed for the creation of Districts of Innovations. If a district met certain performance requirements and follow certain prodecures, they are eligible for designation. The term of the designation may not exceed 5 years and allows the district to be exempt from certain sections of the TEC.
In 2016, Childress ISD created an Innovation Plan committee to write a plan that:
provides for a comprehensive educational program for the district, which program may include:
innovative curriculum, instructional methods, and provisions regarding community participation, campus governance, and parental involvement;
modifications to the school day or year;
provisions regarding the district budget and sustainable program funding;
accountability and assessment measures that exceed the requirements of state and federal law; and
any other innovations prescribed by the board of trustees; and
identifies requirements imposed by this code that inhibit the goals of the plan and from which the district should be exempted on adoption of the plan.
You can find the Local Innovation Plan for Childress ISD below.